Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Do as I do, not as I say

Reality check for you Moms: how many of us have occasionally cringed to watch our kids 'do as we do' not as we say (anyone else get busted raiding the leftover Easter candy)? While we're human and make mistakes, leading by example is truly the most important thing we can do for our kids. I support McCain because I think it's time we held our leaders to the same standard.

The #1 thing that makes McCain worth blogging and volunteering and donating for isn't his military service or positions on individual issues (although those are relevant and important). He is true to his principles and refuses to be manipulated by the lobbyists and special interests that cling to most Senators like barnacles to a neglected boat. (Once you've said 'no' to people who broke your arms and tortured you for five years, it's not a big deal to say 'no thanks' to unethical lobbyists and manipulators).

Someone in one of my CafeMom groups posted a great piece from the Wall Street Journal which praised McCain for this rare courage:

While others talk of courage, honor and dedication, John McCain exemplifies those virtues. At a time when America's integrity and purpose were being questioned, his fortitude helped reaffirm our core beliefs.... After more than five years of imprisonment, he finally came hobbling home, and with a broad smile and a firm salute, took our collective breath away.

(snip) No one better represents this than Mr. McCain. His
authenticity, unlike that of his Democratic Party counterparts, is beyond
question. What you see is what you get, and what you get is the real thing.

As they say, ain't nothing like the real thing. If integrity and courage matter then there is no excuse for not giving McCain your full support in this election. He walked the walk for his country and his principles - will you?

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