Friday, March 21, 2008

The Baby-Sitters' Club?

Yesterday I posted about trust and how I think that is the #1 factor for many of us when choosing our candidate for President.

So here's a reality check: how many of you would leave your *kids* with any of the current candidates or their spouses? BabyCenter had a poll posted this morning asking who you'd trust, please take a minute to VOTE! (Keep SuperNanny on speed dial!)

For those who don't know, Cindy McCain is Mom to 4 kids, including my Blogette inspiration Meghan McCain, and adopted daughter Bridget who the McCains met during a charity trip to Asia. I must admit having read about McCain's navy flyboy days in Faith of our Fathers, I would not have left THAT guy with my little ones, but we all know if there's one thing seasoned politicans can do it's hold and kiss babies.

PS - If anyone has pics of your little ones in McCain regalia send them along and I'll put them up next week!

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