Thursday, March 13, 2008

Welcome from Mommyland

Greetings friends and strangers to my Digital Soapbox!

I typically remain on the sidelines of political chats, but this election is too important NOT to share my, er, suds.

I support John McCain for President for his integrity, character, experience, candor, passion, knowledge, service mentality, and refreshingly sincere approach to domestic and international issues.

Here on planet earth, with two little ones, a home-based business and a husband who works loooong hours, I don't have time for talk radio, FoxNews 24/7, or mean-spirited punditry. BUT I have a responsibility to my family (and my country) to get educated about the candidates and issues, and now to step forward and support McCain and his brave vision for our nation.

My mission, over the coming months, will be to share resources that will convince undecided or wrongly-decided voters of all parties - especially otherwise ignored 'Mommy Voters' - that McCain is the right person for the job.

Thanks for listening...

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