Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin: Polls and Pundits

The last 24 hours has been an amazing whirlwind for McCain and Palin supporters. I cannot emphasize enough how every hat in the blogosphere should be off to Adam Brickley of the PalinforVP Blog. He was on FoxNews yesterday and it was so encouraging to see a 21-year-old from Colorado whose diligence, perseverance, and enthusiasm set the stage for this historic pick.

Briefly, a few good reads on Sarah Palin:

Rasmussen Poll: Palin is viewed more favorably than Biden

McCain taps Alaska Governor for VP, note good quotes:

Palin, the first Republican woman on a presidential ticket, promised: "I'm going to take our campaign to every part of our country and our message of reform to every voter of every background in every political party, or no party at all."

"... Politics isn't just a game of competing interests and clashing parties," added the [sic] Palin, 44, who has built her career in large measure by challenging fellow Republicans.

Juneau Empire newspaper profile of Sarah Palin (note: son Trig Paxson Van Palin's name is an homage to beloved hair-band Van Halen!)

Jonathan Martin of Politico comments on the Dayton rally:

I've been covering the GOP presidential race since November of 2006.
In those many months -- across many states -- I have never seen a crowd with the
energy that I witnessed yesterday at the Erwin Nutter Center in Dayton,

Wall Street Journal has detailed comments on the "Reform Ticket" and a profile of "Governor, Reformer, Mother":

On Experience? For starters, we'd say Governor Palin's credentials as an agent of
reform exceed Barack Obama's.

I'll be updating throughout the weekend so stay tuned!!


Mary Ann said...

Sarah Palin is the epitome of "The All American Woman". She's the dream girl of real men. She's the ideal. She's a natural with all the spunk to bag a moose. When Sarah Barracuda came on the scene, I must say that she's got my vote 100% for the second most powerful job in the world. What a breath of fresh air and vitality we have here now.....just when I was beginning to think all was lost. WOW!!! You go girl! You've got everything we conservative ladies have been looking for....and more, a real woman stepping into big, big shoes. NRA needs to prepare for a new onslaught of women joining as they head to the woods. I would love to have a camouflage hat with PALIN written across it. Palin...a woman's woman...who does it all!

Char said...

I believe Sarah Palin is the change american families need. Who better to understand the needs and trails of families. She has the experience and drive to fight for families and stop wasteful use of our tax money. She has a proven record of her accomplishments, not just a list of ideas. She will bring change and it will be positive change.

americanmade said...

I have never been a political person until now. I feel saddened that the American people can be snowed by a pretty smile and skirt and not the facts. Proven by fact McCain/Palin have flat out lied and distorted the facts on numerous occasions. Such as the "Bridge to Nowhere" she only went against the bridge after it became an embarrasement & congress threatened to take the money back. She says she is against the corruptive political practice of earmarks, but yet took $236million last year and asked for $197million for this year. She has charged raped women for their own rape kit. She has threatened to fire officials who have not agreed with her. She asked questions and threatened firing over book banning. She has spent over $400,000 on advertisement of Aerial Hunting, which the Alaskan people had already voted against twice and she ignored. She said she sold the governor planed on ebay for a profit, which has been proven as a flatout lie. She fired the governor chef and hired him in another part of the government. She has charged the Alaskan people for travel expenses for her and her family, even when she was at home. Also when her family and her attened the Ididadog races, that her husband won she charged the Alaskan people for their expenses. She wasn't ready to face reporters, but she is ready for the VP spot? Yet during her interview with Gibson, she didn't know what some policies even were and beat around the bush instead of answering the questions. Watch her body language and actually listen to the questions and answers. I am very saddened by the fact that the American people seem to be impressed because she is a woman and not on the proven facts and truth of this woman.

Amy Subaey said...

As a mother of a young girl, I am befuddled that American woman of our generation can be so easily impressed by a woman whose main qualification is that she's 'just like you'. People, our country is absolutely in chaos and you think this woman can even begin to understand national and international issues were facing? The first interview revealed all I needed to know. She didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was. This has changed our world, and she doesn't know it. She has never visited a foreign country - how can she begin to understand how people in the rest of the world relate to us, and improve our relations with them if she has never even been to one - and sorry, a military base doesn't count. Drill, baby drill? What planet are you people living on? Do you really believe that this is 'energy indepedence?" I would just like to ask everyone who can accept sound bytes of 'the hockey mom' just take a little time to research her real knowledge and experience. Better yet, wait until she reveals that she has actually educated herself on the issues and has an informed opinion rather than repeating stupid sentences that make people cheer but have absolutely no substance.

In a constructive and civil tone, I beg you to look at the rights that have been fought so hard for by our mothers and our grandmothers and ask yourselves why you are so willing to give these up? Banning books from the library? Is this really a way to a more civil and tolerant society that we need to become? Please restore some faith to our country by making an educated and well informed choice NOT just an impression that someone is a mother or 'just like you'. Respect that fact that we are all not qualified to run the country so the fact that someone seems just like us makes them a more likeable Hollywood celebrity - not a vice president.

tigrefan98 said...

Amy and others, get the facts here:

From non-partisan sources

From pro-Palin sources (lots of factual information to consider carefully):

n_shrimp said...

Regardless of her political experience, (or lack thereof) her promotion of the practice described below is reprehensible, sick, and barbaric.

One of Palin's first acts in office was to put a $150
bounty on the heads of her state's wolves, allegedly
with the goal of increasing the moose and caribou
population. But this was no ordinary hunt: it was meant to
incentivize the aerial killing of wolves, in which private
hunters take a small plane and chase down wolf packs until
they're exhausted and can't move any more, when they
either shoot them from the air or land and execute them at
point blank range. Then, they strap the wolf to a plane, cut
off the wolf's left forearm, and bring it to the state
Department of Fish and Game for their cash reward.

As if this wasn't enough, now Palin's
administration is allowing its "Department of Wildlife
Conservation" to enter into wolf dens and slaughter
wolf pups; in July, her employees went to retrieve adult
wolf carcasses they had shot a month earlier from a
helicopter and then found the wolves' pups in their den
and so dispatched them one-by-one with pistol shots to the
head. They then tried to conceal their actions from the
public. When they were exposed, they said they had tried to
place the orphaned wolves with zoos. Then the zoos said no
one had contacted them.

She doesn't feel any better about polar bears who are
dying from starvation and drowning trying to find food. She
sued Bush's interior dept for placing them on the
endangered list. She also still allows them to be hunted as trophies.Their feeding grounds are literally melting under them due to global warming,
but the she doesn't want to admit that because it is that crazy thing called science.

Deb C said...

Pain is the worst nominee is the history of the Vice Presidency.

She has been hidden from the American people by the McCain campaign because she cannot construct a simple declarative sentence.

She should withdraw her candidacy now...before embarassing the GOP even more.

Pat said...

Sarah Palin is going to be the sacrificial lamb. McCain obviously chose her in the hopesof gaining Clinton's voters. Come on! Lets be real. Palin thinks because Putin flies above her air space she can shoot him down with a hunting rifle. This is such a disgrace. McCain just flies off the handle and says and does thing that are irrational. I really do not want McCain at the "red button" and when he decides he is in the mood for an attack , then he attcks. The guy is twisted! From the fundamentally sound economy, to the crisis, to the I am cancelling the debate, to I am going to the debate. The man is nuts! Palin, well her debate with Biden is going to be an absolute embarassment for her, her family, and all Americans who care about the quality of the person voted into one of the highest offices in the world.

LuckyRose7 said...

Where should I start? In no particular order....
First off, I am proud that she is just like me. Who else would YOU vote for? Someone NOT like you? Doesn't even make sense.

Firing a chef and hiring the same person in another job?... I don't see the problem. Maybe the other job was more productive than being a chef.

I don't see her interviews as “bad.” I see them as a set up by left-winged media. It's disturbing how the MSM leans so far to the left. Non-baised? I don't think so. Even the liberals know that the media and Hollyweird are on their side and don't pretend otherwise. I'll stick with fair interviews and REAL people to support my candidates, even if it's not popular.

Regarding the rape kit issue: reporters Ken Dilanian and Matt Kelley used a 2000 quote from former Wasilla Police Chief to blame Palin for an outdated, now illegal policy she never supported. “In the past, we’ve charged the cost of exams to victim’s insurance companies when possible,” former chief Charlie Fannon told the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman in 2000 as then-Democratic Governor Tony Knowles was signing legislation to make local police branches cover the costs of the kits.

Next... The Wolves... LuckyRose

LuckyRose7 said...

And last but not least... The wolves. The federal legislation does have a loophole for predator control, permitting state employees or licensed individuals to shoot from an aircraft for the sake of protecting "land, water, wildlife, livestock, domesticated animals, human life, or crops." (This doesn't just apply to wolves; coyotes and foxes are sometimes gunned down from aircraft, especially in Western states.) Since 2003, Alaska has issued aerial wolf-hunting permits in select areas where moose and caribou populations are particularly endangered. The idea is that by killing the predators, the airborne gunmen can ramp up the number of moose and caribou that human hunters can take home for supper.

If you have not lived in the country, you will never understand dinner before dogs. In other words, if dogs mess with your chickens, it is 100% legal and right to terminate the dogs, even the cute little puppy next door if he is violating your right to EAT. In this case, wolves, the predators, are a threat to moose, caribou, and other game that PEOPLE depend on to feed and support their families.

DO YOU EAT MEAT? If so, you should be aware how the meat you eat is farmed and “prepared” so you don't have to get your hands dirty.

Well, that's all for now. I have to go get the wild hog my husband killed off of the grill. He is bow hunting deer right now, so I'm in charge of the meat!! Tomorrow night we will eat homemade fresh venison sausage. Neither the hog or the deer were “trophies.” and were humanely killed and butchered to boot. You don't have to worry about hunting or chasing down your dinner at the local market or whether another predator will get there before you. How 'bout that piece of steak you ate last night? Ever been to a slaughterhouse?

Regards, LuckyRose

Anonymous said...

so the only polls you look at now are the ones running mccain ads?

Palin is a gimmick and ran out of time.

Good try, the only problem is the women of this great country are not as stupid as mccain had hoped.

independent from texas

LuckyRose7 said...

And last but not least. The wolves. The federal legislation does have a loophole for predator control, permitting state employees or licensed individuals to shoot from an aircraft for the sake of protecting "land, water, wildlife, livestock, domesticated animals, human life, or crops." (This doesn't just apply to wolves; coyotes and foxes are sometimes gunned down from aircraft, especially in Western states.) Since 2003, Alaska has issued aerial wolf-hunting permits in select areas where moose and caribou populations are particularly endangered. The idea is that by killing the predators, the airborne gunmen can ramp up the number of moose and caribou that human hunters can take home for supper.

If you have not lived in the country, you will never understand dinner before dogs. In other words, if dogs mess with your chickens, it is 100% legal and right to terminate the dogs, even the cute little puppy next door if he is violating your right to EAT. In this case, wolves, the predators, are a threat to moose, caribou, and other game that PEOPLE depend on to feed their families. DO YOU EAT MEAT? If so, you should be aware how the meat you eat is farmed and “prepared” so you don't have to get your hands dirty.

Well, that's all for now. I have to go get the wild hog my husband killed off of the grill. He is bow hunting deer right now, so I'm in charge of the meat!! Tomorrow night we will eat homemade fresh venison sausage. Neither the hog or the deer were “trophies.” and were humanely butchered to boot. You don't have to worry about hunting or chasing down your dinner. How 'bout that piece of steak you ate last night? Ever been to a slaughterhouse?

Regards, LuckyRose

Amy Subaey said...

Listen ladies- Just keep watching her- but watch and listen carefully. The debates will reveal that she does not have a clue about foreign policy and hopefully, you women are smart enough to know that we DO NEED someone that understands -or at least cares enough to learn - the intricacies of relationships between countries, their histories and how essential these are to our own 'freedom' from terrorists etc.. If you truly believe that YOU are smart enough to understand international relations and negotiations that can decide whether or not to send your sons to war, then you can say 'yes i want someone like me and she is an american dream of real men'. But, if you doubt YOUR ability to do that successfully, or if you don't think that you have this experience, then you MUST admit this is not reason enough to vote for her. If we must- forget everything else - just consider the lives of your children and whether or not you want them to go to Iraq - like her son. If this is really ok with you - and you are ready to sacrifice the lives of your children for another war - vote for her. I hope that you will consider the lives of your teenage children more important and choose someone who has the experience and commitment to diplomacy rather than candidates who prefer war and lack the experience to negotiate a way to avoid it.

Leprechauna Jones said...

I am an independent - yes, i find hypocrisy amongst both parties, but Palin is ridiculous. I just saw a woman's comment who "supports" her below, and half of her comment was about how her husband just poached a pig and they're going to eat it! Uh.... Congratulations I guess? What does that have to do with ANYTHING?! You don't vote for a woman because she is someone you'd like to have a drink with and reminds you of your buddies. Would you send any of your friends to represent us in the Olympics? NO, you would send the most qualified person. And Palin is NOWHERE NEAR being qualified. It's a JOKE. And this isn't a sexist statement - I'd say the same if she were a man. Bush is a JOKE too! And Mary Ann - this isn't your HUNTING PAL!!!! You are killing me here!!!! This is a WORLD LEADER that needs knowledge of FOREIGN POLICY which "Alaska is right next door to Russia" does not suffice as an answer!!!! I am literally aghast right now that anyone is feasibly considering voting for her.

StevenTilghman said...

This entire thing is appaling to me, I will agree with you that Sarah Palin is a "breath of fresh air" to the mundane same old same old political scene. You could say that she energizes the ticket, unfortunately those are not the only traits that it takes to be a Vice President of the United States of America. A United States that is currently embroilled in two wars, economic crisis, and vulnerable as ever before in history. She is simply not qualified to be Vp of the US, just two years ago she was a small mayor of a small town that had 6,000 people. Most of you work in office buildings with that amount of people. I manage a mortgage company and im quite sure I handle their yearly budget on a monthly basis, but that doesnt qualify me to represent me if Putin reared his ugly head... Well Golly gee Mr Putin we dont wanna have any problems why dont you just go sit in time out before I have to spank you, shout out to Greensburg Elementary. Extra credit if you can name the American city Iran is targeting with their newly adeveloped nuclear weapon. I just dont understand why people wont seperate their admiration of a person and popularity from qualifications. She is severely unqualified to be VP of a major company let alone the entire country. Mccain has disgraced all of you women with this shallow pick to try and steal 18 million cracks in the ceiling. They paraded this woman to Ny during the Un meeting and several world leaders laughed, and blatantly disrespcted her by hitting on her in front of the international press. This is not a popularity contest, this is about choosing a qualified thoughtful, intelligent person to help guide this country out of the messes we are facing. I simply dont feel safe with her as a pick for VP, next host of entertainment tonight, or touting Gun shows

Unknown said...

Obama supporters act as if the polls are a true reflection of what's going to happen on November 4th. Obama has consistently tried to win each of his elections prior to a single vote being cast, by eliminating his opponenets on technicalities, or having the DNC dump Hillary, or by giving the false impression that he already won, before the election has even taken place. When you don't have an actual record to run on ... and all you can do is point out problems, and blame others, as Obama has, you have to rely on gimmicks that have nothing to do with your actual ability to lead ... like accusations of racism ad nauseam ... like early voting ...busing and indoctrinating homeless people on the way to the polls ... photo ops with big crowds ... spending 4 to 1 on advertising ... having the media in the tank ... having Hollywood in the tank, having Acorn in the tank ... and, having 98% of all black voters in the tank. But, all of these things are nothing more than a fabricated perception. They have nothing to do with a person's experience, or ability to lead. They just reveal a candidate who will say, or do anything to get elected. That's why the Obamabots are so worried. That's why Obama is telling his disciples not to get over confident. That's why the Obama campaign tries real hard to make it look like Obama has already won ... just like they did in the run against Hillary in the primaries. I happen to believe there are legions of people who are going to vote for McCain on November 4th ... unlike the 'in your face' Obama supporters, November 4th is when the McCain supporters will express themselves. A vote for Obama is a vote for voter fraud, corrupt media, and a road to socialism. Keep America safe and strong, elect McCain/Palin on November 4th.

jomama said...

Ladies, Palin is smart, and she is a good person. I like her a lot. But she is utterly unqualified for the role. LISTEN TO HER: she doesn't really understand what is going on and she has absolutely no idea how to run a nation. I'm afraid that Palin is NOT GOOD FOR WOMEN as she will turn out to be a huge embarrassment. YES, we need a woman in there, but I'm afraid it should not be Palin. I'm sorry, she's cleary not up for it.

lareine said...

I am an AA female with 2 doctoral degrees from Ivy League Universities. I am surprised by the dust up about Sarah Palin's qualifications. She is obviously new to the national scene and will take some time to catch up. However she is not running for President, she is running for VP. She has shown that she can run a state while raising a family, and has achieved an 80% favorability rating. She has a record of accomplishment we can point to.

However, Obama with all his advantages, has not achieved anything of note so far. In fact his policies are naive, impractical and ill thought out. His running mate, who knows him better than you or I, says he is inexperienced and unqualified. I believe Joe Biden.

I trust Sarah Palin's record. Obama has none and with a Democratic Congress, proposes policies dangerous for the future of this country.

McCain/Palin 08!!!!!

Toni T said...

As a therapist working with special needs children and adults for 35 years, I was underwhelmed by Palin's Policy speech on disabilities.

She stated that we need to increase Voc Rehab in high school, but federal and state law allow Voc Rehab to begin upon graduation. She did not distinguish "medically necessary" from "educationally relevant" therapy, and stated that familes will get all the therapy they desire. Why do we want school therapists providing MEDICAL therapy???
She pointed out "parents",not using the preferred term "caregivers", referring to those family members, foster parents, and others who are truly providing care.
She suggested using parents to determine the educational and therapy levels. Caregivers form an importatn element of the team, which is also composed of educational and therapy staff. Let's keep this important decision a team decision. The option for caregivers who do not agree withthe team plan is advocacy--Palin did not mention advocacy.
An essential element of all plans for those with disabilities is Assisitive Technology. Palin did not touch this issue nor is it on the McCain-Palin website.
I have worked to teach children to operate computers with their mouth using mouthstick, eye gaze, head, and a variety of specialty equipment. I could have McCain accessing a computer in a vvery short period of time.

School choice is certainly debateable. The school choice plan cost Pinellas County FLorida $8M in transportation costs,not to mention the environmental implications. More importantly, school choice involves transporting students to a central bus center and transferring to another bus to transport kids across town. This adds on hours to the commute. Is this the best option for children in wheelchairs and on medical equipment?
Palin discussed her involvement with autism for over 10 years. Surely she must have read a few articles on the essential research on fruit flies as the current esential basis for autism reseach as well as basis for medicla research. Why did she state that the fruit fly research was unessential and could be cut?

As a parent and a therapist, I am truly disappointed in Palin's more than shallow nd dangerous discourse on her plan for those with disabilites.

Jospero said...

God bless u Sarah
You are a breath of fresh air, energizing, honest, strong. The hatred, venom and viciousness spewing out of Obamas left wing press buddies are absolutely sickening. They are nothing more then SHRILL underhanded propagandists akin to a pack of vultures.
You come across cool and strong in the face of adversity, never angry, never aggressive, never defensive. There is a beautiful light resurrounding you, illuminating your strength and goodness. I thank the few moraly responsible press who have spoken out in your defense.
Good Luck Sarah

Jospero said...

The facts re caribou herd.
The caribou herd has declined from an estimated 4,100 animals to only 600 in the past six years, in large part because wolves are preying heavily on newborn calves. Last year only one percent of new born calves survived. Wolves have increased at an alarming rate. There is an estimated 7500 to 11000 predator wolves preying on the herd. The dwindling herds have caused severe hardships on the native tribes and Alaskan families that depend on caribou to see them through the winter.
As per usual Obama's left wing press buddies have reported half the story, the half that negatively impacts Sarah Palin. They will stop at nothing to destroy her. .
Arizona and California use aerial predator control technicians to kill coyotes, pigs and donkeys. See Wolves attack dogs, 2007 youtube clip from local Alaskan news station, 3 women and their dogs surrounded by seven wolves while jogging on highly traveled road. The continued existence of rural native Alaskans is at far greater risk than the wildlife.

Jospero said...

Sarah Palin is a strong shining light caught in the center of a maelstrom of furious frightened Democrats.
Ture,She supported a bridge if it was fiscally responsible. When it wasn’t, she pulled her support. It’s what good governors do. She changed her position and saved taxpayers millions.
She did not ban books from the Library. This is propaganda from the Obama left wing press.
True, She placed and add on e-bay. She never said I sold the plane on E-bay, more false propaganda from the left wing press.
I admire Sarah Palin for her convictions. In her latest speech she said I want less abortions and more alternatives for women facing this decision. And as for Hillary supporters voting for Obama, come on now, do u really want to vote for someone who treated your hero with contemptible disrespect after saying she would be on anyone's shortlist but failed to mention anyone's but mine.
Do NoT allow Obama and his left wing press buddies to assassinate the truth.

SAY YES, to real reform real bravery real idealism, VOTE Mccain/Palin.

Jospero said...

How come the left wing Media doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY call into question Obama’s own vote to fund the bridge to nowhere, TWICE, even choosing it above helping his “own community” in New Orleans? The levels of dishonesty and corruption that we are constantly being exposed to by the left wing News Media are beyond all comprehension.
When the Senate had its chance to stop the Bridge to Nowhere and transfer the money to rebuilding Katrina, Obama and Biden voted for the $223 million earmark, siding with the old boys’ club in the Senate, "You vote for my earmark and I'll vote for yours", And to date, they still have not publicly renounced their support for the infamous earmark.
The Alaska Democratic Party credits Sarah with killing the bridge.
Yes We will vote for real reform real idealism real integrity
Yes we wilL VOTE Mccain/Palin

Unknown said...

I have nothing against Palin in regards to her being a 'Hockey Mom', short term governor, or radical Cristian Jihadi. My Problem with Palin is that she does not have the good judgement ot say "I am simply not qualified yet" and bow out for McCain's sake. People we have to stop voting for people because they remind us of "us" and vote on issues. The war is crippling our nation and McCain is too Old. Palin could seriously end having Nuclear Access codes and the power to use them.

Mary Ann said...

I'm sorry for those that don't see the God-given talents and expertise of Gov. Palin. She's a go get 'um woman with common sense. McCain offers nothing to me other than the best VP candidate I've seen in years, bar none. It's not her looks, her skirts or whatever other womanly assets she may possess that makes her a good choice. She's got what it takes to get the job done, and done right for all Americans. She understands how we work, and how the world works, and dems just haven't shown a clue. I admire the woman, even if she was a man.

Amy Subaey said...

Rather than feel 'sorry for us that don't see the talents' of Palin, why don't you tell me exactly what those are that make so ready to do the job? Is it 1) her understanding of foreign policy being = to geographical proximity? is it her 2)equating the iraq war to God's plan? is it 3) her discombobulated answers about how she will address key issues? I'm sorry, are those words too big for you? If your understanding of the world is only advanced enough to conclude that this woman is 'prepared' then I think you must also be of those Red state believers that thinks platitudes and sound bytes are all the evidence you need.

tigrefan98 said...

Amy, of all the things I will miss after this election, personal attacks from narrow-minded people is not among them.

Governor Palin runs the biggest state in the union. 80-90% of the people who know her best think she has done a good job. This is factual, long before she was picked for any additional job. Unless you are another Governor masquerading under a different name, I think the opinion of the people of Alaska speaks louder than yours.

Governor Palin has more relevant experience to be *President* - a job she is not, in fact, running for, than Barack Obama. She has more military experience, more executive experience, more experience with energy. Her legislative oversight experience is directly relevant to the VP's Senate responsibilities. If you think she is incapable of the job, you're clearly ignoring the facts.

When in church, Governor Palin - unlike Obama and his cronies - pray FOR our troops and our country. IF you have a problem with that, you may want to ask those who have lived under Communism how they felt about the absence of religious freedom.

The fact that Obama supporters still feel a need to leave nasty comments on 3-month-old posts 24 hours before the election tells me that you are scared. You are scared that someone who doesn't think or live just like you do might possibly do a good job. You are scared that plain old regular Americans prefer a candidate who knows she's not perfect over the smug Obama and Biden who think they are. So, I don't fear you. I pity you and yes (gasp) I pray for you.

On behalf of everyone your thugs have insulted, harassed, and oppressed, I cordially invite you to grow up and realize there are more people in this country, working hard, raising families, supporting our military, worshipping as they choose, than there are narrow-minded harpies bothering bloggers.